[EVM - 3] Function Selectors
Before we start this section, if you want to follow along, make sure you have:
1. Solidity REPL - Oftentimes
[Misc] - Solidity REPL
I have often found that using solidity REPL helps a lot.
Here's a list of REPLs that you
[Misc] - Faucet List
It is very important for developers to have access to testnet ether and tokens. Therefore, I am keeping a list
[EVM - 2] Bytecode, Opcode and the stack.
Now that we know what a stack data structure looks like, let's find out how it is used
[EVM - 1] Stacks, a primer
EVM is a stack-based computer. All instructions take their parameters from the stack, and write their results on the stack.
[EthersJs - 8] Learn about Oracles by calculating chances of hitting "Hedge" Jackpot in Y2k finance.
Note: The code for this tutorial is here: https://github.com/enderNakamoto/y2k_analyze
Y2K finance is a fun DEFI
[EthersJs - 7] Saga of blocks, mempool and glimpse of the dark forest
Blocks in Ethereum are just batches of transactions that has been verified by the network. It has hash of previous
[EthersJs - 6] Gathering on-chain data
Part of having on-chain superpowers is knowing things retail doesn't know. In the end, crypto market is a
[EthersJs - 5] Transferring ERC20 tokens
In the last tutorial, we learned how to transfer ether from one account to another, and earlier, we learned how
[EthersJS - 4] Assert your Identity, sign messages and send transactions
Using the private key to sign messages and send transactions.