2 min read

[Track - EthersJs] Gaining on chain superpowers - Introduction and table of contents.

As a developer, you can have superpowers in the land of DEFI and NFTs.
[Track - EthersJs] Gaining on chain superpowers  - Introduction and table of contents.
Photo by TK / Unsplash
Note: You can skip to the end of the article to access the table of contents

As a developer, you can have superpowers in the land of DEFI and NFTs. Connecting to blockchain for gathering actionable data and sending transactions to it based on off-chain and on-chain events opens up whole new possibilities. You do not even need to learn smart contract development to unlock some of those powers. JavaScript and/or Python is enough to give you an edge over other non-technical traders. We will explore the possibilities of these powers in EVM compatible chains here.

In this series, I will guide you through the skills needed to unlock these DEFI and NFT chops without having to learn Solidity or Vyper (yet).

Disclaimer - It is important to learn them in long run, and we will do so.

Our goal here simply is to teach you how to enough tools as fast as possible. Our weapon(stack) of choice is simple vanilla javascript and Ethers JS.

The series will be broken in two parts, the first part is all about acquiring basic skills and learning more about our weapon of choice (Ethers Js), the second part is where the fun begins. We will use the skills acquired in the first part to build up our superpowers.

Part I - Getting Started with Ethers JS

  • Read ETH and ERC20 token balances programmatically.
  • Send transactions with a few lines of code.
  • Interact with smart contracts with JavaScript.
  • Read block data.
  • Listen to smart contract events.
  • Get historical data of transactions with smart contract functions, and draw data driven conclusions.
  • Generate wallets and ETH addresses.
  • Access the mempool.
  • Sign and verify messages.

Part II - Do cool shit with Ethers JS

  • Generate vanity addresses.
  • Write a NFT mint bot, and try to mint before others.
  • Write a sniper bot keep to buy tokens as they are being listed on Uniswap V2.
  • Write a keeper bot for profit and interact with Stabilize Finance.
  • Write a harvest bot for profit and interact with Alpaca Finance.
  • Compound your gains automatically while you sleep
  • Create a DIY stop loss solution.
  • Create a programmatic savings vault to park your stablecoins, and generate passive income based on their volatility.
  • Track whales.
  • Understand the basics of arbitrage bots and take the first steps towards profitable programmatic arbitrage on DEXs.  

and more ...

If you like the idea, I look forward to seeing you in many tutorials throughout our journey.  I will list the index of articles for this specific series for you to work through as they become available below:

The index

Part I - Getting Started with Ethers Js

  1. Getting started
  2. Connecting to blockchain and reading data.
  3. Wallets and Addresses
  4. Signing messages and sending transactions
  5. Transferring ERC20 tokens
  6. Listening to Events and reading historical data  
  7. Blocks and Mempool Access

Part II - Do cool shit with it

  1. Learn about Oracles by calculating chances of hitting "Hedge" Jackpot in Y2k finance.