1 min read

[Track- EVM deep dive] Become a better developer.

[Track- EVM deep dive] Become a better developer.
Photo by Joan Gamell / Unsplash

It is possible to code in Solidity or Vyper without ever understanding the "Ethereum Virtual Machine" - the EVM. However, to be a great smart contract developer, one must have a deep understanding of the EVM.

Understanding the EVM give you

  • Perspective on why some things in Solidity are designed the way they are.
  • The ability to write and understand gas optimized code.
  • Understand and avoid certain security vulnerabilities.
  • Write better MEV bots

If that is not enough, knowing the EVM is the most important step towards growing out of junior developer phase and command a better salary.

If you are convinced that you need to know EVM in details, I look forward to seeing you in many tutorials throughout our journey.  I will list the index of articles for this specific series as they become available for you to work through below:

The Index

  1. Stacks, a primer
  2. Bytecode, Opcode and the stack
  3. Function Selectors